Thank you for all your constant updates. I live in Ocean Isle Beach, NC and there was no info on the tv or newspaper. You did a great job… As did the folks who stood up for the rights. Hope all other retirees realize what was a stake and whwat was saved (for the interim anyway). Jill Baxter
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Thank you for all your hard work with picketers and for keeping we retirees informed. It seems like a very interesting strike. Sorry to miss the August 4 kickoff. THAT sounded like fun! --Cathy (Keefe) Pizzuto (*Joyce Bank's old pal)
We have been in the picket line at ware st. I most everyday and Bob ,who has been retired for 20 yrs, a few days a week. take care and thanks for all your time and effort It is very much appreciated. Peggy Kelley & Bob Mc Court There was a rally at the malden co Friday. I would like to thank all the retirees that came out
to help picket with us that day. Maryann took pictures I will try to put them on the web as soon as I get them Ginny While out there friday the pickets told me that a deliver of food ordered by management came.
While the driver was waiting to cross the line (which he didn't want to do ) told them that the food was for in side the building cost $150.00. All the pickets got together paid the bill and ate the food in front of the management people that were waiting for the deliver. WELL DONE GUYS AT 7 ELM ST MALDEN Ginny Here's a second helping hand. Thank you
for helping our brothers and sisters on the line Love Pam Ostman You should be proud of your gallant campaign
Gordon Borges Today was unbelievable! I can tell you how many strikers are greatful to the TWRC.
today I gave out coffee, ice water and cookies to the strikes at 5 locations. I ran out of cookies midway thur and had to get more. I was at the Arlington C.O. giving out water to the strikes when a younger man come up to me and ask for a ice water, I thought he was a striker so I gave him a bottle. Then he turn to me and said I am a manager honey and I would like you to take this money from me to pay for the stuff that you bring to thiese guys they are good fellows and he then handed me a large amount of cash and left quickly before i could thank him or get his name. Then as i was talk to the guys there they told me a story that the day before a man came up to them and told them he was a manager dealing with the CWA end and he came them money to buy lunch for everyone. Now there must be something very wrong with the Verizon negotiators if they can't see there own management people think what they are doing is wrong. Greed is very wrong. Ginny |